Did you ever wish you lived in the days of the prophets or in the days of Jesus? Well, then you are not alone. There are many who believe that the world was better once in the past and is slowly getting worse and worse. I am sure you are very familiar with the popular phrase “Oh those golden days!” usually used by older generation, our parents and often by our grandparents.

I am not sure if they were really golden and rosy, but some of our wonderful memories of the past give us the impression that they were probably good and great days to live. However, to think that life was easy in some periods of time compared to others may just be a myth.

There are many who believe that the world was better once in the past and is slowly getting worse and worse.

A quick glimpse into human history shows us that life in any time frame or geographical or cultural setting has its own blessings, limitations, and challenges. Life was never easy, especially for those who wanted to live a Godly life in a world that is constantly experimenting with evil, playing with sin and applauding Godless lifestyles. Yet, it is into that same world God sends his children to stand as his witnesses in the spreading darkness.

Life was never easy, especially for those who wanted to live a Godly life in a world that is constantly experimenting with evil, playing with sin and applauding Godless lifestyles.

Isaiah 42: 6 reminds the purpose of our calling “I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles…” D. L Moody writing about the overcoming life of a Christian says this: “Notice that all those who have made a deep impression on the world, and have shone most brightly, have been men who lived in a dark day.”

Elijah lived in a far darker day than we do. The whole nation was going over to idolatry. Ahab, his queen and all the royal court were throwing their influence against the worship of the one true God. Yet, Elijah stood firm and shone brightly in that dark and evil day”.

I do not know if you still wish you lived in those days, but I think what really matters is that each of us realize that God has a special plan for us no matter when and where we live. Talk about your field being a tough one! A quick look at the Bible may change your mind. Here is the good news; you are not alone, you have a great company. Just read the Bible to find your friends who paid a heavy price to shine the light in their own generation.

“Notice that all those who have made a deep impression on the world, and have shone most brightly, have been men who lived in a dark day.” – D. L Moody

– – Author: Rev. Francis Burgula – –